Donate Here to the Ohio State Paranormal Society (O.S.P.S.)
Donate to O.S.P.S.
The Ohio State Paranormal Society (O.S.P.S.) is a non-profit company, and our paranormal investigations are free to private homeowners and business owners who are truly concerned about the unexplained activity they are experiencing. However, donations are greatly appreciated to offset our travel expenses and to maintain our investigative equipment!

If you are interested in donating toward our expanding efforts, all checks or money orders can be made payable to Ohio State Paranormal Society and forwarded to the address listed below, or contact us direct.

Tami Beckel, Director
Ohio State Paranormal Society

Phone: 305-407-5723

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Please email us with questions.
Donations can also be made directly through a PayPal account,
using your bank account or a major credit or debit card.

Non-profit Donations
Non-profit Donations
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Key West Paranormal Society
Ohio State
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At 305-407-5723